Thursday, August 11, 2011

Perseids? What in the world is a Persied?

The Perseid Meteor Shower is so named because the meteors seem to radiate or fall from the constellation Perseus. They are not associated with this constellation but are remnants of the comet Swift-Tuttle. Comets have debris trails millions of miles long and the earth at regular times basically runs through these debris trails, which creates the meteor showers. It is just debris left behind, and as it hits the atmosphere it burns up, and looks really cool in the process. If you are wondering where to look, Perseus is close to Andromeda and Cassiopeia, in other words NE after midnight, best before dawn. That's the only problem for me with meteor showers they are almost always before dawn, yawn. And yes the moon will wash them out, but the moon will be in the south so get on the north side of a house or tree and look up. Meteors, especially these will come and go over a period of sometimes several days so, be sure and look up a couple of nights. You wont be able to see as many small ones but should be able to see some big ones at regular intervals certainly more than usual.
Ok now that I've bored you to death with that, we are looking for fund-raising ideas. If anyone has any good ideas, different, cool, fun, or unusual let me know. I would appreciate it. If you notice I have added some links to the Blog sight. Check them out, there are some very informative sites and not least the link to Springfield Astronomical Society's site. Come out and see us.
Working on some cool new things, and hope you all stay cooler.
Keep Looking Up

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