Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The End Of An Era

I guess I am just getting old. Well everyone knows that. I just cannot believe the last Shuttle will be going up Friday, barring weather problems which right now look very likely. NASA has plans to transition to a new system (supposedly) which could be very similar, but it just wont be the same. Of course, it is very hard to comprehend. One, I have always had the opinion that NASA was the be all end all for actual rocket science. Until a new system is developed we will be sending OUR astronauts to the ISS aboard a Soyuz Russian capsule. I was in Houston last year, and trust me if I had to ride in that, compared to the shuttle I would stay on the ground. Looks a lot like our old capsules, only not as pretty. Remember when we used to pick them up in the ocean? Well, that's how the Russians roll. And they have already raised the fares. With China graduating 42% of their college graduates in Stem disciplines and the US graduating 5% where do you think the rocket scientists and technology we are so proud of is going to come from? NASA has become so scared of harming someone it basically is afraid to do the kind of projects that took us to the moon. To say nothing about an out of control bureaucracy. It is just disappointing to me. I guess I will just have to watch old John Wayne movies. Ok, I will get off my soapbox.
We are going to be announcing some news soon for the planetarium project, so stay tuned. And get in front of a tv and watch the takeoff and landing of a truly magnificent and inspiring spacecraft. At least let your kids understand that this is something important.
And as always remember to Keep Looking Up.
If you follow my twitter feeds swmoplanetarium I post anytime the ISS is coming over our skies. Summer is a good time to get the kiddies outside and let them know there are still adventurers among us, and over us.
Godspeed STS 135 the last.

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