Friday, June 24, 2011

Yes, I Know I'm Late

I first want to thank everyone that contribute to making our Launch Party a big success. Beth Whitehead did a tremendous job, and thanks for bringing the moon rocks and asteroid samples. I have never been so close to the moon. Springfield Astronomical Society members you know who you are. It was a rare treat to have solar viewing, 3 different ways including a hydrogen alpha solar scope specifically designed for solar viewing. And also thanks very much to Dale Flippo (pres.) for bringing out one of the largest scopes in the area for public viewing. As much fun as we had I think Sonshine D the balloon clown was about as popular as anything. lol. Still, all in all a very informative and fun evening. We are looking forward to having more events in Branson MO in the future and I will have news about these at a later date. It has been very hard to think about the project with all our neighbors in Joplin having such a hard time, and notwithstanding all the poor flood victims along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. A rough start to summer.
I would like to put out a call for any volunteers that would like to be involved in this project. You do not need any expertise. We just need people with a desire to see this most important project for our children's education come to fruition.
I am announcing at this time that the Bob Nichols Company is going to be handling our marketing and p.r. in the future and I am looking forward to being involved with him. Bob and his wife are on the board of the Branson Arts Council and share my enthusiasm for this endeavor. This is very exciting news.
I have liked Sky and Telescope and will use them and Astronomy magazine, and will depend on their coverage for the night sky and monthly events. There are many beautiful galaxies and double stars visible with a set of binoculars this time of year. I have been taking some pictures in the backyard and will post these for all to see. Actually they are already on FB and Twitter. Please like us and follow our tweets.
There will be some exciting news coming in the near future I promise, so, stay tuned and as always.

Keep looking up.

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