Watch the Stars Come Out in Branson
Launch Party/Fundraiser for the Southwest Missouri Planetarium, Science Education Center and Hubble Museum.
Purpose: Community outreach, information, fun.
Where: Branson, MO Rec-Plex, 1500 Branson Hills Parkway
When: May 21st, 5;30-10:00 PM
What to expect: Portable Planetarium, with a special projection system that is only available in the most state of the art planetaiums. Truly spectacular!! Telescope viewing, courtesy of Springfield Astronomical Society. Which will include a hydrogen alpha solar scope that will show the surface of the sun with all the drama you see in publications. And one of the largest apeture scopes in the area a 20 inch reflector, and we should get better views of Saturn than even I have seen before. NASA exhibits, including moon rock display. Balloon Clown Sonshine D , Various related exhibits. Chance to meet the people involved in bringing this project to Branson.
Cost: Free
Hope to see everyone out that is interested in this project, science or astronomy.
Larry Tate
Southwest Missouri Planetarium
PO Box 7078
Branson, MO 65615
PS: If the weather is bad we will have all the indoor activities including the portable planetarium. So come see us, if you can.