Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April "Floods" Bring May Flowers?

Well, another interesting month is about to slip by, actually had a few clear nights this month for stargazing, and then the Oklahoma Express, Monsoon started up. Interesting weather, Glad our proposed sight for building in Branson is up the hill from the lake. I think we will have to get a boat to rescue our dock at the family cabin on Tablerock. If you get a chance get down to the dam and watch the water coming from the spillways, hasnt happened since 08. An awesome display of man and nature. Anyway, big news for the planetarium coming up. April 29th and 30th, 2:00-9:00 pm we will be at the Branson Food and Wine Festival. Why? Just to talk to people aout the project, and meet people that have been drinking wine, maybe they will want to contribute. LOL We will have cookies and conversation, so come by and see us.
May 21st, no matter what 417 Magazine says (see article May 417) we will have our official, very first, Launch Party, Fundraiser at the Branson, MO REC-PLEX, 5:30-10:00 PM. Counting on everyone to come out and see us. There will be a portable planetarium, telescope viewing, prizes, demonstrations, balloons, etc. Come find out about us and see what the planetarium is all about. We are hoping to have actual graphic renderings of what the facility could look like.
And I hope to have a very big announcement by then????? Have to come?

The visual sky this month,
Saturn is still up and spectacular, the night of 22-23 you should see the four brightest moons strung out in a line. (binos).
The Eta Aquarid Meteor shower on the 6th is truly a way for the visual observer to experience the universe. up to 25 meteors per hour, but will be coming from the S.E. instead of from straight down, so will be slightly sideways when they come over. This is debris from the tail of Halley's comet.
Early mornings will see Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Mars all coming up about 30 minutes before the sun in the east.
Nothing to spectacular, but as I say each month, buy a good pair of Astronomical Binoculars, or a small telescope. Get in touch with me and I can make suggestions. With just good binos you will get way better views than those wal mart telescopes, and are much easier to use.
Ok, have to get going to Branson for the Wine and Food or Food and Wine not sure which comes first, but I will figure it out.

Keep Looking Up:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Showers? or Wind

Seems more like March today as I write this. Supposed to storm (april showers) tomorrow though. The wind today was atrocious. Last night I tried what is called a Messier Marathon. Charles Messier created a list of 109 objects that are popular with all observers. March 15th is the ideal time to catch all objects from dusk to daylight. But I tried to image each object with a computerized telescope (go to) but even that wasnt good enough as mother nature tried to blow us off the field about 4:00 am. With about 70 images acquired. Of course when I say 70 that means 10 exposures with the camera with the shutter open for 15 sec. each. So it does take some time, for each. Thats basically 700 images. Anyway, it was the best night probably of the year, so far. And I want to thank Steve Davis, Tammy Flippen and John Moody, probably one of the best amateur imagers in this area. for their help and support. I am not that good as I am still learning (slowly). lol
April the night sky:

April 23--1:00 am till dawn the Lyrid meteor shower. unfortunately the moon will be up also, but if you can find a tree or something to block the moon, think shadow, the shower should be fairly good. At least warmer, they will originate from the constellation Lyra so look for Vega, brightest star overhead. Good luck.

April 30, early in the month if you are up at or before dawn, you can see the crescent moon just above very bright Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. But a telescope or binocs will be necessary for most. Venus will be 87% full and very bright.

So, not much exciting for visual observers, but as I always tell you, it doesnt cost much to get involved with a little help, you could show your kids the rings of Saturn or the moons of Jupiter this month. Not sure of the date, but the Springfield Astronomy Club will have an outreach just before our big launch party/fundraiser in Branson, so come visit, and talk to some of the members and we can help you out.

The Planetarium project is moving along, and I hope everybody will consider supporting us, and donating if possible. We are also looking for some board members from the Branson area. All we need is the support of the community, and we can make this happen.

Keep Looking Up