Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Well it's here

Yes, I think we can finally say Spring is here, robins, fish biting, pear trees starting to flower, and yes the wind is blowing. I'm begining to think if we dont get a planetarium we will never see the stars again. I wanted to visit a little bit about the financial models for our project and how anyone who wants to get involved or help can. Our project is proposed on the idea that if we make a profit by providing the tourists and locals a wonderful entertainment venue. We will be able to offer school children a very low cost educational, and yes inspirational and entertaining opportunity. This opportunity will allow kids to get excited about STEM education. huh. that stands for science,technology, engineering and math. And yes, there are other venues teaching this in the region. But, what if a kid could attend a space camp in the summer, or figure out what they might be most interested in, and be able to concentrate on that discipline? The teaching opportunities are endless. And when I say low cost I mean, money shouldn't be the issue. I mean if a teacher brings in a class for a dome presentation, they would be required to take back a lesson plan and report back to us the results of what was learned and retained. Instead of writing a check!! What do you think, I would like to know. We have lots of other ideas for learning. A learning library. Like something you saw at the presentation, want to learn more? Your teacher will be able to check out a book for you to investigate just that subject. Telescopes that can be lended like a library? But it all depends on community support, and by that I mean from corporate donors to individuals willing to support this project even if it's only 5-10-25.00 at a time. I feel its time that this region have a resource that only larger metropolitan areas enjoy. And we can do this with the entertainment aspect.  I am not going into any observing this time. It will soon be time for the May update I just thought it was important for everyone to get a feel of what we were trying to do. We also will be having our first launch party/fundraiser at the Branson Rec Plex in May. Big surprises in store and family fun. Stay tuned. Like us on Facebook, follow on Twitter. Pass along our website, and before long we will be flying through the universe.
Keep Looking Up!!